
            If anyone has ever been remotely a fan of Deepika Padukone, they will know what #NotAshamed stands for. Brave as she is, she has come out to speak about her personal story of battling clinical depression and is encouraging others to do the same without being ashamed of it. And, I am here today to share my demons. I am not sure when it actually started in my life. Somewhere in my late teens my insecurities went for a toss and my complexities started creeping in. Having been a confident kid, I could not fathom the feelings I was experiencing. I felt I was a burden on my dear ones. I could not communicate to anyone openly. After few years, it became worse. There were nights when I prayed to God that I do not wish to wake up tomorrow. Everyday was a struggle to wake up and live that day! It was then that I decided to take help.       
        I talked to 'Sneha Foundation' based out of  Chennai. They encouraged me to write to them, for, I was hesitant to talk over phone. I wrote hundreds of e-mails pouring out all my heart, my entire story right from the earliest memory I have, to which they promptly replied. When the trust was built, I talked to them over phone couple of times. All this while I had started my career. I managed fine all through the day at work, nights had me gripped with fear. In this condition, you feel quite empty-literally. I did not feel anything really; no joy, no gratitude, not even sadness. I dint even know why I was crying when I broke down to tears...   
       Now, when I think of all those things, I still get scared. It's a long battle but now I know it's okay. There are so many people who need help but do not wish to seek one. Why is that we take our mental health for granted? India is a big country with bigger mental-health problems. We are a nation of depressed souls. According to 2015-16 National Mental Health Survey (NMHS), every sixth person in India needs mental health help of some sort. Of all age groups, it is the adolescents who need most help. We can break this taboo if we all come out with our stories and look at the magnitude of the problem lurking beneath. 

      Today, I urge you to ask youself how you are really? Are you feeling truly yourself? Dump your mobile for an evening, sit with your people-family, friends, spouse- and ask them how they have been doing. Really listen if they have something to say. At that time, I wished somebody sat across me, looked me in the eye and asked "What's going on?". Do watch the ad 'Dobara Poocho'. 

Depression exists. It is not an excuse! It is as real as Diabetes or Schizophrenia. Only way to tackle is by talking and listening. 

I am Prerana. 25 years. Engineer. Entrepreneur. Blogger. And, I am not ashamed.
You can write to me if you have something/anything to say. Confidentiality is guaranteed.


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