Robert and Kim

           I have to say this - if there is one man who has changed me and my life, he is Robert Kiyosaki.
A world-class business man, a prolific author, a financial adviser and a great human being. Widely known for his book 'Rich Dad Poor Dad', he teaches finances, in specific and life, in general, like no other being who walked on Earth has taught before. His key concepts include the divisions of occupation in quadrants, the right mindset and our association. I feel immensely blessed to be a part of a huge organisation that never compromises on ethics and principles. Robert Kiyosaki's teachings and books have been an integral part of it all. Robert and Kim(his wife) , both have given the world the much needed guidance on money matters and mental attitude.

    Initially I was reluctant to know anything about all this. I was hesitant to read his books. I even dozed off reading the chapter on birth of taxes in one of his books. But, as and how I started showing interest in it, the book spoke for itself to me. It was more like discovering new things while reading it for the second time. My point here is - money is important. Do not cling on to the cliche- money is not everything- for too long. Of course it's not everything but it is damn important. Imagine how you would be or act if you were ten times richer than you are now. Let's not deny the fact that you would not go to a job everyday that you dislike. You would have an opportunity to explore your options. Knowing that you have a possibility is a luxury! 

      Handle your finances well. As Robert Kiyosaki is for me, you may have any close friend, family or relative to guide you but be careful before you buy any advice. Money is important. Respect it. Earn it. Read about it, calculate it, budget it. It is something you need everyday for the rest of your life. Let's not take it for granted. 

Cheers to Robert and Kim,


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